Investing in Properties for Tourist Rental in the Empordà: Advantages and Challenges

At Finques Jordi Tané, we recognise the great potential offered by investing in properties intended for tourist rental in the Empordà region. This area, with its natural charm, picturesque villages and proximity to the Costa Brava, has seen a constant growth in tourist demand, making it an ideal destination for both summer holidays and weekend getaways. Below, we look at the advantages and challenges of converting a property into a holiday rental in this region.

Advantages of Investing in Holiday Rentals in the Empordà

1. High Tourist Demand All Year Round: The Empordà is a magnet for national and international tourists all year round, thanks to its beaches, natural parks, and the cultural offering of cities such as Girona. This constant demand ensures high occupancy, which translates into regular income for holiday rental owners.

2. Attractive Return on Investment: Vacation rentals typically generate a higher return on investment compared to long-term rentals. By adjusting prices based on peak and low season, property owners can maximize their profits. Additionally, the growing popularity of platforms like Airbnb makes it easier to promote and manage bookings.

3. Flexibility for the Owner: One of the key advantages of vacation rentals is the flexibility they offer. Property owners can enjoy their property during certain times of the year and rent it out when they are not using it. This allows for combining personal use with financial profitability.

4. Increase in Property Value: Well-managed properties with a good reputation in the vacation rental market tend to appreciate in value more quickly. This means that in addition to rental income, property owners can see an increase in the value of their investment over the long term.

Challenges of Converting a Property into a Vacation Rental

1. Local Regulations and Bylaws: One of the biggest challenges is keeping up with local regulations regarding vacation rentals. Regulations can vary significantly between municipalities, and it is essential to ensure that you comply with all legal requirements to avoid penalties and legal issues. At Finques Jordi Tané, we offer expert advice to ensure that your property complies with all current regulations.

2. Active Management and Maintenance: Unlike long-term rentals, vacation rentals require more active management. This includes regular cleaning and maintenance, reservation management, and customer service. Owners may need to hire a property manager or management company to handle these aspects, which can reduce profit margins.

3. Seasonality and Fluctuations in Demand: Although the Empordà enjoys relatively constant tourist demand, there can be seasonal fluctuations that affect revenue. The high season can be very lucrative, but it is important to plan for the months with lower tourist influxes.

4. Growing Competition: With the rise of holiday rentals, competition has also increased. It is essential for properties to stand out in a saturated market, which may require investments in improvements, decoration and digital marketing.


Investing in a property for tourist rental in the Empordà is a strategic option that can offer significant benefits. However, like any investment, it also involves challenges that must be addressed with planning and knowledge. At Finques Jordi Tané, we are here to help you navigate this process, offering you the support and experience necessary to make your investment a success. Contact us today to get started!

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